Verbal Master is a highly structured, research-based reading/vocabulary program that integrates vocabulary, word recognition, reading comprehension, spelling and written composition.

Students can't possibly read for meaning in middle and high school when they have an elementary-level vocabulary. Verbal Master teaches EDL Core Vocabulary words in multiple, age-appropriate, and culturally neutral contexts.
You'll see immediate results!
- Higher test scores and grades
- Greater confidence
- A positive can-do attitude
- Immediate changes in oral reading
- Better vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, and written expression
- Improved fluency, background knowledge, and critical thinking
- Increased productive time-on-task
- Changes reading attitude
- Dramatic improvement in spelling and written composition
- Abundant reporting features
- Diagnostic/Prescriptive Instruction
The program schools use to teach complex text to their hardest-to-reach students!
See Rapid Improvement in Vocabulary, Spelling, Expressive Fluency, Written Composition, Critical Thinking & Confidence!
Ready to find out more?
Contact us today to learn more about the Verbal Master Reading Intervention
VERBAL MASTER One great reading/vocabulary intervention with two great instructional options: teacher-directed & self-paced

The Verbal Master Reading Intervention allows teachers to include it in their daily instructional routine for reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension. Verbal Master will help students quickly catch up from time lost during COVID-19.
Teachers have two instructional options:
1. A three-step instructional sequence involving teaching, technology, and downloadable pdf reinforcement activities
2. A twenty-minute student-centered, online, self-pacing instructional component
STEP 1: Teacher-Directed Scripted Pre-Teaching Lesson
Teacher introduces 5 new words in each Unit - explicitly teaching comprehension using prior knowledge, factual, and higher cognitive application questions.
- Content: 5 words per Unit, 6 Units per Cluster, 6 Clusters per Level, 4 Levels
- Each Unit ends with a review of synonyms, definitions, passages, fill-in-the-blank, and comprehension
STEP 2: Self-Paced Student Instruction
Students utilize our online software for self-paced oral instruction that provides the structured practice, positive, immediate feedback, and privacy necessary for independent engagement. Each online lesson includes:
- Diagnostic/Prescriptive Assessment
- Pronunciation, definition, context & questions for each word
- Unit reviews: synonyms, definitions, passages, fill-in-the-blank, and comprehension
- Cluster pre/post tests: synonyms, definition, fill-in-the-blank, comprehension
- Snapshot, detailed & diagnostic progress monitoring reports
STEP 3: Unit Review Activities
Students complete online review activities. These activities are also included in the online downloadable pdf electronic library.
STEP 4: Written Composition
Written composition + creative writing activities teach how to:
- Write complete sentences, unscramble sentences, sentence order exercises
- 3 step creative writing activity that expands initial topic sentences into full-page stories.
STEP 5: Cluster Review Stories
Students review a full-page story composed of words from the previous units.
This section allows professionals to fully meet the standard of teaching age-appropriate complex text stories to chronically struggling overaged students.
Watch the video below and experience the power of the Verbal Master reading intervention!
The Verbal Master software includes video modeling of instructions, lessons, and activities.
Students don't have to know how to read to learn how to read!

Life Skills Reading Intervention is a powerful Failure Free Reading product

Failure Free Reading is the nation’s premier non-phonic reading intervention for chronically failing students. Failure Free Reading is the first system to add a new and exciting component to the diagnostic/prescriptive process: confirmation!
Failure Free Reading works so fast that you will see it working from the very first lesson.
The program was developed by Failure Free Reading founder and national reading researcher, Dr. Joe Lockavitch. Dr. Lockavitch has spent the past thirty years of his life creating fast-acting, research-based reading solutions specifically designed for chronically struggling students. Dr. Lockavitch’s methodology is the first to employ the teaching of critical academic vocabulary through connected text that control for the elements crucial to reading success for chronically struggling students: abundant repetition, appropriate sentence structure and meaningful story content.